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5 Essential things your Jewellery eCommerce Website must have

Building your jewellery website? Here’s what to add to your checklist!

Thinking about taking your jewellery store online? The timing could never have been better! Current forecasts suggest that the worldwide jewellery market will grow to $291.7B by 2025 — up from a forecast of $229.3B in 2019. 

The first natural step towards taking your brand online is, of course, social media. They’re easy and free to set up and don’t take a lot of time to create. However, thousands of jewellery businesses are now turning to Instagram and Facebook to sell their goods, and it is important that you stand out.

One thing that immediately gives your brand credibility is a website. Getting verified on social media accounts provides credibility too, but it’s a long and lengthy process and something you can focus on later too. 

How does a website give you an advantage?

  • Websites create a verified presence, helping establish your brand and convey professionalism. It opens your jewellery brand to the entire world!
  • They act as a seamless contact between you and your customers and also help you tell your brand story spaciously
  • Your website also acts as your online store! You can even use your website to reward your repeat customers by announcing schemes on your website and inviting your shoppers to leave feedback on your website
  • With certain tools, you can also get to know your website visitor preferences, helping you establish and nurture two-way communication with prospects and clients. This will forge a deeper bond and serve them better.

Now that we have that covered, let’s take a look at what your website should essentially contain!

  1. Jewellery Inventory management software

Using spreadsheets for orders and inventory management is still a widespread method for many small companies. This might do the trick if your company is selling a few pieces of jewellery a day, but once your business starts growing, keeping up with all the information becomes more difficult without an automated solution. Having well-built jewellery inventory management software at this point could take your company to the next level.

  1. High-quality Jewellery photos & Detailed Jewellery Descriptions

Great photography is, without a doubt, the most important feature of every jewellery website. No matter how great your jewellery pieces are, if the images are of poor quality, you can’t expect to make any sales. Here’s what you need to pay attention to:

  • The images on your website should have a white background in order to emphasize the intricate details of each jewellery piece.
  • Make sure the images show the right design, colour, and size.
  • Customers should be able to zoom and look at the products from multiple angles.

Imagine that you own a brick-and-mortar store. Customers would walk in and ask a bunch of questions about the jewellery piece they are interested in: they’ll ask about the value of gems used, the amount of gold, the price, etc. This kind of discussion is impossible when people are shopping online, so a lack of information could turn them off. For that reason, you need to provide all the necessary info for your customers, plus showcase all the standards and certificates your jewellery meets.

  1. Multiple, Secure Payment Options

Offering multiple and secure payment options is a great way to assure your customers that their personal info and credit card details are in safe hands. In addition to helping you establish a trustworthy relationship, secure payment options also allow for easy international payments which is another big plus.

  1. Valuable Content

Why limit yourself to selling your jewellery inventory? You can even add informational advice via blogs and videos and even offer coupons and special offers for first-time users. However, make sure not to overdo it and overwhelm your customers from the very beginning.

  1. Terms & Conditions Page

Due to the fact that shopping for jewellery online can be risky and expensive, the Terms and Conditions page is a very important element of your website. Customers want to be sure they can exchange or return a piece of jewellery they paid a substantial amount for. Make sure that all your Shipping, Returns, Billing, Insurance, and Exchange Terms and Conditions are visible and easy to understand.

Pro tip: Keep it Simple

If your eCommerce website is complex and confusing, your potential customers will most likely leave before even trying to make a purchase. Our suggestion? Keep it as simple as you can. Make sure you don’t add too many pages or too many options. If you’ve already added these features to your website, stay ahead of your competition by adding this advantage to your website.
Looking for an expert to build your jewellery website for you? Look no further! Plushvie now provides a one-stop solution for all your jewellery store needs. Get in touch with us today and take your jewellery store’s vision a step further!

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